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Using the floor as a storage heater
Ideal in new builds or if the screed is replaced during renovation. The electricity is stored in the form of heat in the floor concrete core and gradually released to the room. The final flooring is largely independent of the floor heating. Ideal heating system for low-energy and passive houses.
Direct and partial floor storage heating
The difference between direct heating and partial storage heating lies in the installation depth of the heating elements. Direct heating is installed close to the surface, whereas a partial storage heater uses the floor screed as a storage medium. Depending on the current electricity rate, own power production and individual specifications our Technical Team will help you to find the right individual heating solution.
ETHERMA RGS 60-120 W/m² – new/low energy house
- 60, 100 & 120 W/m²
- Very low magnetic field <25nT
- Only one connection line
- Ideal heating system for heating low energy and passive houses
- Flexible cross web system speeds up the installation
- Various sizes and outputs enable an easy planning and simple installation.
ETHERMA RUS 150-200 W/m² – renovation projects
- 150 to 200 W/m²
- Very low magnetic field <25nT
- Only one connection line
- Ideal heating system for heating low energy and passive houses
- Flexible cross web system speeds up the installation
- Various sizes and outputs enable an easy planning and simple installation.